A Parallel Gannet Optimization Algorithm with Communication Strategies (PGOA)

Published in The 18th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2023

Recommended citation: Su, Jing-Bo, et al. "A Parallel Gannet Optimization Algorithm with Communication Strategies (PGOA)." International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Author: Jingbo Su
North China University of Technology


Meta-heuristic algorithms have gained remarkable success in solving complex and large-scale problems. However, as the dimension of the problem increases, their elaborate implementations may lead to lower convergence speed and struggle with local optima easily. In this paper, a parallel Gannet Optimization Algorithm (GOA) with two novel communication strategies is proposed, and comparisons with the original GOA on 13 100-dimension benchmark functions are committed. Comprehensive experimental results indicate that the improved algorithm outperforms the original algorithm in not only better escaping local optima but also shorter running time.


Gannet Optimization Algorithm, Parallel, Communication Strategies.


A Parallel Gannet Optimization Algorithm with Communication Strategies (PGOA)